Open to all students at Higher Education Institutions in the UK for 2024/25.
Any standards welcome to apply to the appropriate grades below, men and women will be mixed into the same events.
You will have to select a grade to enter when applying but please note that you may be allocated a different grade depending on the number and standard of overall entries. If you are unsure on which grade to enter, please contact the tournament organiser.
As a guide please check your own Squashlevels ranking and enter as per below:
A Grade: 8000+
B Grade: 6000 - 8000
C Grade: 4000 - 6000
D Grade: 2000 - 4000
E Grade: 1000 - 2000
F Grade: 0000 - 1000
All completed in 1 day, there are trophies for winners and runners up in each grade. Each competitor is guaranteed at least THREE best of three matches between 9:00am and 6:00pm on Saturday 15th March
Entry fee will include a free drink at our student's union Falmer Bar, trophies for winners and runners-up in each grade.
Courts are located at the University of Sussex Sport Centre, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RB see our website for more information: